As promised, here are more pictures from my trip to
Swallow Falls State Park in Garrett County, Western Maryland.
Swallow Falls State Park is home to the oldest grove of white pine and eastern hemlock in Maryland. Some trees are over 360 years old and beautifully line the only officially designated 'Wild and Scenic' Youghiogheny River.
Deep Creek Lake (and the surrounding areas) is a great place to bike, camp, fish, hike, and ski.
Some smaller falls before the grande finale. |
A cool rock face as we hiked down the trail. |
Water making its way down to the river. Science. |
A couple of daddy long legs that were well camouflaged. More science. |
A cool little rock formation. |
At the bottom of Muddy Creek Falls. About to cross the river and make my way up. |
Stay tuned for one more set of pictures as I make my way up Muddy Creek Falls (part 3)!